Surfers Make Great Musicians ie: Timmy Curran

He started as a world class surfer strumming the six string in the background but now he’s front and center stage…

Timmy Curran has a great live show after just 2 years of jamming.  The way he put it was by the age old adage “Surround yourself with the best”. He has clearly done just that with band members who can all sing beautiful harmonies while playing their respective instruments.  Their sound is full and driving yet soft enough at times to create great song arches.

When I found him warming up for a recent gig I had to ask my signature question for everyone I meet…

JJ: “If there’s a stage in heaven who would you want playing on it”

Timmy: “Alive or Dead?”

JJ: “Either”

Timmy: “I’d have two!  One is Tom Yorke and the other is the lead singer of Sigur Rós(Jónsi)”

His respect for vocal range is apparent and I had to mention how HIS singing is working out pretty well too!  Check him out!


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